Registration Number: 13759057, UK Register of Learning Providers Number: 10090437
International Whatsapp No.: +66 908 907 234

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Application form
Clinical / Studio Fees : 100GBP - 2 Years Validity
The IEB Clinical Rating process is very simple and can be obtained in 10 days. In order to obtain it, it is necessary to fill in the application form and write 4 "Area Reports" one for each survey field, except website.
1. Infrastucture.
2. Practitioner/ Staff Qualification.
3. Delivery of Service.
4. Hygiene and Sanitation
5. Social Media Review.
Each report needs the Chief Executive Officer/President signature and has to arrive together with relevant documents, brochures, applications and any document useful for a better evaluation of each area. The evaluation Committee will indicate a Point Profile Score ranging from 0 to 20 for each report.
From 0 to 10 Points Profile Score: Fail.
From 10 to 15 Points Profile Score: Provisional Accreditation.
From 15 to 20 Points Profile Score: Full Accreditation.
Average score
00 - 50 Fail.
50 - 75 Provisional Accreditation.
75 - 100 Full Accreditation.